Boy crazy
My daughter is 9. She is teetering on adolescence. This is a very tender spot to be in, for both of us. She is not excited or ready for her body to change, and hates the idea of her feelings and ideas changing..she feels like it's going to happen against her will (and she isn't wrong). She loves being a kid. She is still bewildered at the behavior of teens, but also is easily influenced by them if she thinks they're cool. She is already confused, so I know that means the change has begun. So, I'm all up in my feelings. I have always talked to her and been as honest as she can understand. It's my way. But raising boys is different, with a little bit different set of worries and concerns, and my place in their stages of growing up was not at all the same as it is with my little girl. I feel very strongly that I want her to be prepared for the insanity that's coming, but I'm so scared she won't hear's a fear we all have as parents, I know. M...